News from your model shop - 3rd May 2020
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00 gauge track - fences - modelling tips and answers -


Don't forget to read our latest modelling tips located at the bottom of the newsletter.

Did you know? On this week in 1859 Isambard Kingdom Brunel's last work, the Royal Albert bridge was opened by the Prince himself. Two days later on the 4th of May the Cornwall Railway opened their line across it linking the counties of Devon and Cornwall.



Matt Wickham sent us a couple of pictures of his latest work: a Parkside wagon kit. Click on the picture for more details. Please do share your own work with us!



Isn't it typical? We have got all of this time on our hands to do a spot of modelling but we can't get any track!

As the cupboards are a little bare for the moment in the new track department, we have decided to try and help you out a little. For those of you in need of a bit of track to finish that loop, siding or branch-line we have had a good rummage through the storeroom to see what we could come up with. And we were pleasantly surprised!
We now have available a limited amount of quality used track. We have hand-picked a nice selection of 00 gauge track, so whether you are looking for flexible track, set-track, steel rails or nickel/silver, we have got some!

Most of it is as good as new and some of it will need a once over with a track rubber. We have indicated in the description the condition of the track so you can rest assured that you know what you are getting. Simply click on a picture to go to the correct page on our website.
British Railway tracks are required by law to be adequately separated from the public, utilising walls, natural barriers such as embankments, shrubs, bushes or cliff faces and of course the most common of barriers which is miles and miles and miles of fences. They are everywhere and we don't even see them. They are there but we never notice them.
It's not just the railways where fences can be found either. If you think about it fences can be found at a boundary to just about everything, gardens, roads, fields, parks, factories, schools, churches, industrial units, airports, waste land, roadworks, building sites, railway land, car parks, play parks, prisons, hospitals, utility sites, allotments, electric sub-stations and disused sites of any description.
Bizarrely though, fencing is something that we as modellers often put little thought into, despite them being probably the most common item of street furniture along a railway scene.
Over the years model buildings that we use to recreate various cameo scenes have become delightfully sophisticated. The surprise is that fences too have come a long way with many different types now available to suit various real-life situations and locations.
Below we have shown how the right fence can enhance a scene giving it purpose or a story, note how the temporary fence around a premises indicates that it's awaiting development, a chain link fence is cleverly used to create a private siding, an allotment scene comes to life, and concrete fence panels with a few weeds create a less animated perimeter to any government funded premises, also shown is a very realistic garden fence and a flexible country fence that allows the fence to follow contours. All these are in OO gauge.
We keep on adding modelling tips to our website. Here are the latest ones:
You can also access all the articles by visiting this page or simply click the link called "tips" on our website.

Finally, don't forget to visit the bargains section on our website, where you will find items we have very limited quantity of (usually only one left).

Send us an email or give us a call to check availability or to reserve anything, whatever scale you model in. As usual, if we do not have in stock what you are looking for, we will order it for you and you will get it fast (usually within a week if the manufacturer has it in stock). We place weekly orders with most suppliers.

Upstairs Downstairs is usually open Tuesday to Saturday 10am till 4.30pm. We are closed only on Monday and Sunday.

Upstairs Downstairs
3 Pier Street
Sandown, PO36 8JR
Isle of Wight
Tel: 01983 406 616 or find us on Facebook

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